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Must the Show go on? By Robert Brassai

The gaming industry has always had a very healthy trade show and conference business around it bringing gaming professionals of all sorts together with each other, suppliers, educators, etc. From major international companies to small local shops, we had events of all shapes and sizes where we could meet long lost colleagues, spend the yearly capex on equipment and supplies, listen to industry leaders share their thoughts about the latest trends or learn a thing or two on educational sessions.

Providing Fast Solutions

Nikolay Kossev Chief Operating Officer at Comfac Technology Options Limited and Juliet Capala - Director of Comfac Global Group chats to Damien Connelly

Probably the most emergent gaming market in the world is the Philippines and nobody is better positioned to capitalize on its growth than Comfac Global Group. It stands ready to help casinos with everything from information technology to furniture, a veritable end-to-end solution. It even has a sustainability wing, Esco International. Recently Comfac got the seal of

Sun King

Sadly, Sir Solomon “Sol” Kerzner (1935-2020), “The Sun King”, passed away from cancer on March 21st 2020 at the age of 84, at his Leeukoppie Estate in Cape Town, South Africa. By: Niall Murray

Sol Kerzner was born on 23rd of August 1935 in Doornfontein, a modest suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. Born to immigrant Jewish parents Morris and Bertha Kerzner from Lithuania, Sol was the youngest of four children, and the only son.

Ukrainian Gaming Week 2020 Preview

Yulia Chopenko, the event coordinator of Smile-Expo company, answers the questions

Has the anticipation of gambling business legalization had an impact on the amount of interest in Ukrainian Gaming Week 2020?

Increased interest in the event was seen at all adoption stages of the law on gambling business legalization. Enactment of the new law drew even more attention to the exhibition.