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Casino Legislation News

Simon Thomas Chairman Hippodrome Guest Comment Casino Life September 2020

The irony of closing the Hippodrome, very nearly re-opening and then finally welcoming customers through the door, is that it might have done us the power of good. In the longer term.

Most certainly it’s going to be tough while people slowly re-remerge from their bunkers and visit places other than their local supermarket and the nearby pub.

But lockdown has taught The Hippodrome a great deal.

Brigid Simmonds BGC Chairman Guest Comment Casino Life September 2020

2020 is a year which will be remembered forever. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we live our lives in ways which would have been unimaginable 12 months ago.

In the same way, it has proven enormously challenging for the betting and gaming industry. Like the rest of the country, the UK’s casinos and betting shops closed their doors in March as part of the national effort to slow the spread of the virus.